DIY mega256 Open TX 後修改4合1高頻頭 對應 Frsky XM+ D16 mode RX
測試 Frsky xm+ 可以對頻 正常.
軟體資訊 網站
Manually Uploading HEX files and setting Fuses on ATmega328
fuses 位置 重要...一定要填對寫入
另一上傳軟件 PORGISP2.0 因ARDUINO 上傳我試都不行,所以改用USBISP 專用燒入軟體一次成功. 請上網找 POGISP 2.0 網上很多下載資源.
上傳/更改 Fuses 軟體工具....好用
usbasp tools
照此網頁步驟完成fuses 更改與軟體上傳
原始 code
-config.h 要去設定 尋找 frsky xm+ 接收頻率.
/** CC2500 Fine Frequency Tuning **/
//For optimal performance the CC2500 RF module used by the FrSkyD, FrSkyV, FrSkyX, SFHSS, CORONA and Hitec protocols needs to be tuned for each protocol.
//Initial tuning should be done via the radio menu with a genuine FrSky/Futaba/CORONA/Hitec receiver.
//Once a good tuning value is found it can be set here and will override the radio's 'option' setting for all existing and new models which use that protocol.
//For more information:
//Uncomment the lines below (remove the "//") and set an appropriate value (replace the "0") to enable. Valid range is -127 to +127.
NBR_BANKS 裡面 option 就是 頻率微調的值可以從 -127~+127做設定慢慢去找到上下值
後 ( 最大+最小) / 2 就是比較好的值....
我是用 20為一個單位 設了好幾個開關再一個個對頻找出上下值. 最後填入適當的值做為標準
/* 12 */ {PROTO_FRSKYX, EU_16, 0 , P_HIGH , NO_AUTOBIND , 40 }, // option=fine freq tuning
40 是原始內建 ....我的 frsky xm+ 就是對不到...
/* 1 */ {PROTO_FRSKYX, EU_16, 0 , P_HIGH , NO_AUTOBIND , 0 },
/* 2 */ {PROTO_FRSKYX, EU_16, 0 , P_HIGH , NO_AUTOBIND , 20 },
/* 3 */ {PROTO_FRSKYX, EU_16, 0 , P_HIGH , NO_AUTOBIND , 40 },
/* 3*/ {PROTO_FRSKYX, EU_16, 0 , P_HIGH , NO_AUTOBIND , 60 },
因為 我買的是atmega328 容量有限所以 要去減肥....沒用的就在前面加 "//"
直到 arduino 編譯正常就好了..
/*** RF CHIPS ***/
//There are 4 RF components supported. If one of them is not installed you must comment it using "//".
//If a chip is not installed all associated protocols are automatically disabled.
//4-in-1 modules have all RF chips installed
//!!!If a RF chip is present it MUST be marked as installed!!! or weird things will happen you have been warned.
//#define A7105_INSTALLED
#define CYRF6936_INSTALLED
#define CC2500_INSTALLED
#define NRF24L01_INSTALLED
//In this section select the protocols you want to be accessible when using the module.
//All the protocols will not fit in the Atmega328p module so you need to pick and choose.
//Comment the protocols you are not using with "//" to save Flash space.
//The protocols below need an A7105 to be installed
//#define AFHDS2A_A7105_INO
//#define FLYSKY_A7105_INO
//#define HUBSAN_A7105_INO
//#define BUGS_A7105_INO
//The protocols below need a CYRF6936 to be installed
#define DEVO_CYRF6936_INO
#define DSM_CYRF6936_INO
#define J6PRO_CYRF6936_INO
#define WFLY_CYRF6936_INO
#define WK2x01_CYRF6936_INO
//The protocols below need a CC2500 to be installed
#define CORONA_CC2500_INO
#define FRSKYD_CC2500_INO
#define FRSKYV_CC2500_INO
#define FRSKYX_CC2500_INO
#define HITEC_CC2500_INO
#define SFHSS_CC2500_INO
//The protocols below need a NRF24L01 to be installed
//#define ASSAN_NRF24L01_INO
#define BAYANG_NRF24L01_INO
#define CABELL_NRF24L01_INO
#define CFLIE_NRF24L01_INO
#define CG023_NRF24L01_INO
#define CX10_NRF24L01_INO // Include Q2X2 protocol
#define DM002_NRF24L01_INO
#define ESKY_NRF24L01_INO
#define ESKY150_NRF24L01_INO
//#define FQ777_NRF24L01_INO
#define FY326_NRF24L01_INO
#define GW008_NRF24L01_INO
//#define HISKY_NRF24L01_INO
//#define HONTAI_NRF24L01_INO
#define H8_3D_NRF24L01_INO
#define KN_NRF24L01_INO
#define MJXQ_NRF24L01_INO
#define MT99XX_NRF24L01_INO
#define Q303_NRF24L01_INO
#define SHENQI_NRF24L01_INO
#define SLT_NRF24L01_INO
#define SYMAX_NRF24L01_INO
#define V2X2_NRF24L01_INO
#define YD717_NRF24L01_INO
這裡可以自己去設定你有用的協議 開關位置照自己意思放...
剛剛找出正確的值後填入 frskyx 的 option位置裡
我的是 -40
/* 11 */ {PROTO_FRSKYX, CH_16 , 0 , P_HIGH , NO_AUTOBIND , -40 }
/** Number of PPM Channels **/
// The line below is used to set the minimum number of channels which the module should receive to consider a PPM frame valid.
// The default value is 4 to receive at least AETR for flying models but you could also connect the PPM from a car radio which has only 3 channels by changing this number to 3.
// The line below is used to set the maximum number of channels which the module should work with. Any channels received above this number are discarded.
// The default value is 16 to receive all possible channels but you might want to filter some "bad" channels from the PPM frame like the ones above 6 on the Walkera PL0811.
/** Rotary Switch Protocol Selector Settings **/
//The table below indicates which protocol to run when a specific position on the rotary switch has been selected.
//All fields and values are explained below. Everything is configurable from here like in the Serial mode.
//Tip: You can associate multiple times the same protocol to different rotary switch positions to take advantage of the model match based on RX_Num
//A system of banks enable the access to more protocols than positions on the rotary switch. Banks can be selected by placing the rotary switch on position 15, power up the module and
// short press the bind button multiple times until you reach the desired one. The bank number currently selected is indicated by the number of LED flash.
// Full procedure is located here:
//The parameter below indicates the number of desired banks between 1 and 5. Default is 5.
#define NBR_BANKS 5
const PPM_Parameters PPM_prot[14*NBR_BANKS]= {
#if NBR_BANKS > 0
//****************************** BANK 1 ******************************
// Switch Protocol Sub protocol RX_Num Power Auto Bind Option
/* 1 */ {PROTO_FLYSKY, Flysky , 0 , P_HIGH , NO_AUTOBIND , 0 },
/* 2 */ {PROTO_AFHDS2A, PWM_IBUS , 0 , P_HIGH , NO_AUTOBIND , 0 }, // RX number 0
/* 3 */ {PROTO_AFHDS2A, PWM_IBUS , 1 , P_HIGH , NO_AUTOBIND , 0 }, // RX number 1
/* 4 */ {PROTO_AFHDS2A, PWM_IBUS , 2 , P_HIGH , NO_AUTOBIND , 0 }, // RX number 2
/* 5 */ {PROTO_AFHDS2A, PWM_IBUS , 3 , P_HIGH , NO_AUTOBIND , 0 }, // RX number 3
/* 6 */ {PROTO_AFHDS2A, PWM_IBUS , 2 , P_HIGH , NO_AUTOBIND , 0 }, // RX number 4
/* 7 */ {PROTO_AFHDS2A, PWM_IBUS , 3 , P_HIGH , NO_AUTOBIND , 0 }, // RX number 5
/* 8 */ {PROTO_SFHSS, H107 , 0 , P_HIGH , NO_AUTOBIND , 0 },
/* 9 */ {PROTO_FRSKYV, 0 , 0 , P_HIGH , NO_AUTOBIND , 40 }, // option=fine freq tuning
/* 10 */ {PROTO_FRSKYD, 0 , 0 , P_HIGH , NO_AUTOBIND , 40 }, // option=fine freq tuning
/* 11 */ {PROTO_FRSKYX, CH_16 , 0 , P_HIGH , NO_AUTOBIND , -40 }, // option=fine freq tuning
/* 12 */ {PROTO_FRSKYX, EU_16 , 0 , P_HIGH , NO_AUTOBIND , 40 }, // option=fine freq tuning
/* 13 */ {PROTO_DEVO , 0 , 0 , P_HIGH , NO_AUTOBIND , 0 },
/* 14 */ {PROTO_WK2x01, WK2801 , 0 , P_HIGH , NO_AUTOBIND , 0 },
arduino 編譯好了..就燒入
usbasp tools
照此網頁步驟完成fuses 更改與軟體上傳
原始 code
-config.h 要去設定 尋找 frsky xm+ 接收頻率.
/** CC2500 Fine Frequency Tuning **/
//For optimal performance the CC2500 RF module used by the FrSkyD, FrSkyV, FrSkyX, SFHSS, CORONA and Hitec protocols needs to be tuned for each protocol.
//Initial tuning should be done via the radio menu with a genuine FrSky/Futaba/CORONA/Hitec receiver.
//Once a good tuning value is found it can be set here and will override the radio's 'option' setting for all existing and new models which use that protocol.
//For more information:
//Uncomment the lines below (remove the "//") and set an appropriate value (replace the "0") to enable. Valid range is -127 to +127.
NBR_BANKS 裡面 option 就是 頻率微調的值可以從 -127~+127做設定慢慢去找到上下值
後 ( 最大+最小) / 2 就是比較好的值....
我是用 20為一個單位 設了好幾個開關再一個個對頻找出上下值. 最後填入適當的值做為標準
/* 12 */ {PROTO_FRSKYX, EU_16, 0 , P_HIGH , NO_AUTOBIND , 40 }, // option=fine freq tuning
40 是原始內建 ....我的 frsky xm+ 就是對不到...
/* 1 */ {PROTO_FRSKYX, EU_16, 0 , P_HIGH , NO_AUTOBIND , 0 },
/* 2 */ {PROTO_FRSKYX, EU_16, 0 , P_HIGH , NO_AUTOBIND , 20 },
/* 3 */ {PROTO_FRSKYX, EU_16, 0 , P_HIGH , NO_AUTOBIND , 40 },
/* 3*/ {PROTO_FRSKYX, EU_16, 0 , P_HIGH , NO_AUTOBIND , 60 },
因為 我買的是atmega328 容量有限所以 要去減肥....沒用的就在前面加 "//"
直到 arduino 編譯正常就好了..
/*** RF CHIPS ***/
//There are 4 RF components supported. If one of them is not installed you must comment it using "//".
//If a chip is not installed all associated protocols are automatically disabled.
//4-in-1 modules have all RF chips installed
//!!!If a RF chip is present it MUST be marked as installed!!! or weird things will happen you have been warned.
//#define A7105_INSTALLED
#define CYRF6936_INSTALLED
#define CC2500_INSTALLED
#define NRF24L01_INSTALLED
//In this section select the protocols you want to be accessible when using the module.
//All the protocols will not fit in the Atmega328p module so you need to pick and choose.
//Comment the protocols you are not using with "//" to save Flash space.
//The protocols below need an A7105 to be installed
//#define AFHDS2A_A7105_INO
//#define FLYSKY_A7105_INO
//#define HUBSAN_A7105_INO
//#define BUGS_A7105_INO
//The protocols below need a CYRF6936 to be installed
#define DEVO_CYRF6936_INO
#define DSM_CYRF6936_INO
#define J6PRO_CYRF6936_INO
#define WFLY_CYRF6936_INO
#define WK2x01_CYRF6936_INO
//The protocols below need a CC2500 to be installed
#define CORONA_CC2500_INO
#define FRSKYD_CC2500_INO
#define FRSKYV_CC2500_INO
#define FRSKYX_CC2500_INO
#define HITEC_CC2500_INO
#define SFHSS_CC2500_INO
//The protocols below need a NRF24L01 to be installed
//#define ASSAN_NRF24L01_INO
#define BAYANG_NRF24L01_INO
#define CABELL_NRF24L01_INO
#define CFLIE_NRF24L01_INO
#define CG023_NRF24L01_INO
#define CX10_NRF24L01_INO // Include Q2X2 protocol
#define DM002_NRF24L01_INO
#define ESKY_NRF24L01_INO
#define ESKY150_NRF24L01_INO
//#define FQ777_NRF24L01_INO
#define FY326_NRF24L01_INO
#define GW008_NRF24L01_INO
//#define HISKY_NRF24L01_INO
//#define HONTAI_NRF24L01_INO
#define H8_3D_NRF24L01_INO
#define KN_NRF24L01_INO
#define MJXQ_NRF24L01_INO
#define MT99XX_NRF24L01_INO
#define Q303_NRF24L01_INO
#define SHENQI_NRF24L01_INO
#define SLT_NRF24L01_INO
#define SYMAX_NRF24L01_INO
#define V2X2_NRF24L01_INO
#define YD717_NRF24L01_INO
這裡可以自己去設定你有用的協議 開關位置照自己意思放...
剛剛找出正確的值後填入 frskyx 的 option位置裡
我的是 -40
/* 11 */ {PROTO_FRSKYX, CH_16 , 0 , P_HIGH , NO_AUTOBIND , -40 }
/** Number of PPM Channels **/
// The line below is used to set the minimum number of channels which the module should receive to consider a PPM frame valid.
// The default value is 4 to receive at least AETR for flying models but you could also connect the PPM from a car radio which has only 3 channels by changing this number to 3.
// The line below is used to set the maximum number of channels which the module should work with. Any channels received above this number are discarded.
// The default value is 16 to receive all possible channels but you might want to filter some "bad" channels from the PPM frame like the ones above 6 on the Walkera PL0811.
/** Rotary Switch Protocol Selector Settings **/
//The table below indicates which protocol to run when a specific position on the rotary switch has been selected.
//All fields and values are explained below. Everything is configurable from here like in the Serial mode.
//Tip: You can associate multiple times the same protocol to different rotary switch positions to take advantage of the model match based on RX_Num
//A system of banks enable the access to more protocols than positions on the rotary switch. Banks can be selected by placing the rotary switch on position 15, power up the module and
// short press the bind button multiple times until you reach the desired one. The bank number currently selected is indicated by the number of LED flash.
// Full procedure is located here:
//The parameter below indicates the number of desired banks between 1 and 5. Default is 5.
#define NBR_BANKS 5
const PPM_Parameters PPM_prot[14*NBR_BANKS]= {
#if NBR_BANKS > 0
//****************************** BANK 1 ******************************
// Switch Protocol Sub protocol RX_Num Power Auto Bind Option
/* 1 */ {PROTO_FLYSKY, Flysky , 0 , P_HIGH , NO_AUTOBIND , 0 },
/* 2 */ {PROTO_AFHDS2A, PWM_IBUS , 0 , P_HIGH , NO_AUTOBIND , 0 }, // RX number 0
/* 3 */ {PROTO_AFHDS2A, PWM_IBUS , 1 , P_HIGH , NO_AUTOBIND , 0 }, // RX number 1
/* 4 */ {PROTO_AFHDS2A, PWM_IBUS , 2 , P_HIGH , NO_AUTOBIND , 0 }, // RX number 2
/* 5 */ {PROTO_AFHDS2A, PWM_IBUS , 3 , P_HIGH , NO_AUTOBIND , 0 }, // RX number 3
/* 6 */ {PROTO_AFHDS2A, PWM_IBUS , 2 , P_HIGH , NO_AUTOBIND , 0 }, // RX number 4
/* 7 */ {PROTO_AFHDS2A, PWM_IBUS , 3 , P_HIGH , NO_AUTOBIND , 0 }, // RX number 5
/* 8 */ {PROTO_SFHSS, H107 , 0 , P_HIGH , NO_AUTOBIND , 0 },
/* 9 */ {PROTO_FRSKYV, 0 , 0 , P_HIGH , NO_AUTOBIND , 40 }, // option=fine freq tuning
/* 10 */ {PROTO_FRSKYD, 0 , 0 , P_HIGH , NO_AUTOBIND , 40 }, // option=fine freq tuning
/* 11 */ {PROTO_FRSKYX, CH_16 , 0 , P_HIGH , NO_AUTOBIND , -40 }, // option=fine freq tuning
/* 12 */ {PROTO_FRSKYX, EU_16 , 0 , P_HIGH , NO_AUTOBIND , 40 }, // option=fine freq tuning
/* 13 */ {PROTO_DEVO , 0 , 0 , P_HIGH , NO_AUTOBIND , 0 },
/* 14 */ {PROTO_WK2x01, WK2801 , 0 , P_HIGH , NO_AUTOBIND , 0 },
arduino 編譯好了..就燒入